Annual report of the 1000 most used passwords - 2020 [Times Used] [Percentage used] [password] 160038 3.0622% 123456 61659 1.1798% 123 42290 0.8092% password 28440 0.5442% root 23503 0.4497% 1234 21977 0.4205% 12345 14626 0.2799% 1 13812 0.2643% admin 13131 0.2513% test 12413 0.2375% P@ssw0rd 10853 0.2077% 12345678 10757 0.2058% qwerty 10547 0.2018% password123 9060 0.1734% 123456789 8227 0.1574% 1qaz2wsx 7840 0.1500% passw0rd 7017 0.1343% abc123 7019 0.1343% 123123 6933 0.1327% admin123 6592 0.1261% test123 6451 0.1234% 1q2w3e4r 6330 0.1211% 1234567 6184 0.1183% pass 6006 0.1149% 111111 5108 0.0977% user 5050 0.0966% a 4919 0.0941% 1234567890 4878 0.0933% 1qaz@WSX 4818 0.0922% 123qwe 4537 0.0868% changeme 4300 0.0823% qwe123 4284 0.0820% password1 4090 0.0783% 123321 4009 0.0767% 1Q2w3e 3829 0.0733% abcd1234 3608 0.0690% oracle 3584 0.0686% toor 3501 0.0670% qazwsx 3469 0.0664% qwer1234 3442 0.0659% guest 3413 0.0653% qwerty123 3392 0.0649% ubuntu 3162 0.0605% q1w2e3r4 3148 0.0602% root123 3126 0.0598% admin@123 3059 0.0585% passwd 3038 0.0581% !QAZ2wsx 3006 0.0575% 12 2985 0.0571% pass123 2927 0.0560% 1qazxsw2 2913 0.0557% 1234qwer 2900 0.0555% raspberry 2873 0.0550% administrator 2843 0.0544% letmein 2816 0.0539% server 2737 0.0524% ubnt 2708 0.0518% 123qweasd 2685 0.0514% welcome 2647 0.0506% 1111 2597 0.0497% aa123456 2549 0.0488% 1qaz2wsx3edc 2525 0.0483% default 2515 0.0481% master 2489 0.0476% 654321 2476 0.0474% manager 2461 0.0471% admin1 2428 0.0465% support 2421 0.0463% P@ssword 2413 0.0462% P@$$w0rd 2381 0.0456% postgres 2356 0.0451% q1w2e3 2353 0.0450% 321 2268 0.0434% redhat 2255 0.0431% 1q2w3e4r5t 2212 0.0423% 12qwaszx 2174 0.0416% abc123456 2168 0.0415% !QAZ@WSX 2163 0.0414% qwertyuiop 2144 0.0410% 1q2w3e4r5t6y 2097 0.0401% 123abc 2060 0.0394% cisco 2043 0.0391% ftpuser 2040 0.0390% asdf1234 2038 0.0390% 000000 1998 0.0382% testing 1984 0.0380% debian 1981 0.0379% abc 1982 0.0379% zaq12wsx 1973 0.0378% 0000 1965 0.0376% Huawei@123 1960 0.0375% pass1234 1953 0.0374% admin1234 1934 0.0370% system 1923 0.0368% test1234 1918 0.0367% qweasd 1913 0.0366% public 1882 0.0360% ftp 1853 0.0355% git 1854 0.0355% demo 1846 0.0353% hadoop 1845 0.0353% qazwsxedc 1838 0.0352% 0 1839 0.0352% q1w2e3r4t5 1822 0.0349% mysql 1824 0.0349% 11111 1823 0.0349% abc1234 1824 0.0349% qweasdzxc 1817 0.0348% pa$$w0rd 1808 0.0346% abc@123 1781 0.0341% 88888888 1773 0.0339% 123654 1763 0.0337% zxcvbnm 1762 0.0337% Admin123456 1761 0.0337% root1234 1763 0.0337% asdf 1760 0.0337% student 1758 0.0336% 987654321 1740 0.0333% 1qazXSW@ 1719 0.0329% 123qweasdzxc 1721 0.0329% teamspeak 1716 0.0328% abc12345 1707 0.0327% qwerty123456 1704 0.0326% p@ssw0rd1 1693 0.0324% P@ssw0rd123 1689 0.0323% www 1671 0.0320% super 1650 0.0316% q1w2e3r4t5y6 1651 0.0316% 1qaz!QAZ 1641 0.0314% asdfghjkl 1621 0.0310% QAZwsx123 1616 0.0309% p@55w0rd 1611 0.0308% 123123123 1606 0.0307% password@123 1606 0.0307% a123456 1604 0.0307% p4ssw0rd 1600 0.0306% jenkins 1600 0.0306% pa55w0rd 1587 0.0304% asdfgh 1591 0.0304% adminadmin 1585 0.0303% backup 1579 0.0302% ts3 1579 0.0302% test1 1576 0.0302% linux 1570 0.0300% zaq1xsw2 1554 0.0297% dragon 1551 0.0297% alpine 1549 0.0296% daniel 1546 0.0296% 12345QWERT 1541 0.0295% 11111111 1539 0.0294% centos 1539 0.0294% Asd123 1530 0.0293% root@123 1532 0.0293% 666666 1528 0.0292% Admin123!@# 1513 0.0290% operator 1513 0.0290% rootroot 1504 0.0288% admin12345 1500 0.0287% aaaaaa 1489 0.0285% 112233 1491 0.0285% Welcome1 1483 0.0284% a1b2c3d4 1482 0.0284% testuser 1476 0.0282% service 1469 0.0281% 888888 1467 0.0281% 12341234 1461 0.0280% user1 1459 0.0279% monitor 1451 0.0278% trustno1 1445 0.0276% oracle123 1444 0.0276% aaa 1444 0.0276% asd 1439 0.0275% testtest 1426 0.0273% 111 1425 0.0273% 1429 0.0273% sysadmin 1418 0.0271% !@ 1412 0.0270% 1234567a 1404 0.0269% changeme123 1400 0.0268% live 1393 0.0267% qq123456 1392 0.0266% webadmin 1383 0.0265% root123456 1381 0.0264% qaz123 1376 0.0263% superuser 1371 0.0262% 123qwe123 1371 0.0262% password321 1357 0.0260% p@ssw0rd! 1358 0.0260% qwe123!@# 1359 0.0260% abc123!@# 1358 0.0260% calvin 1352 0.0259% cisco123 1354 0.0259% huawei123 1353 0.0259% 1a2b3c 1354 0.0259% nagios 1353 0.0259% password1234 1350 0.0258% alex 1347 0.0258% 102030 1347 0.0258% qwe123qwe 1346 0.0258% google 1343 0.0257% 159753 1337 0.0256% pa55word 1335 0.0255% 121212 1329 0.0254% internet 1327 0.0254% 1317 0.0252% 00000000 1313 0.0251% 12344321 1308 0.0250% 11223344 1292 0.0247% secret 1286 0.0246% 11 1279 0.0245% iloveyou 1278 0.0245% apple 1282 0.0245% 1122334455 1277 0.0244% asdasd 1272 0.0243% qweasd123 1263 0.0242% zxcvbn 1264 0.0242% fuckyou 1265 0.0242% abcabc123 1257 0.0241% superman 1258 0.0241% !@#$%^ 1254 0.0240% ftp123 1252 0.0240% Password! 1254 0.0240% rootpass 1252 0.0240% azerty 1246 0.0238% password1! 1239 0.0237% abcd123 1241 0.0237% qwertyui 1240 0.0237% qweqwe123 1230 0.0235% qwert 1227 0.0235% qwe123456 1216 0.0233% asd123456 1219 0.0233% zabbix 1212 0.0232% user123 1213 0.0232% webmaster 1207 0.0231% 123456aa 1207 0.0231% 123qwe!@# 1200 0.0230% PlcmSpIp 1202 0.0230% abcd123456 1201 0.0230% 123qaz 1195 0.0229% apache 1189 0.0228% tomcat 1190 0.0228% 54321 1191 0.0228% abcd 1191 0.0228% 123asd 1186 0.0227% qwerty12345 1181 0.0226% peter 1181 0.0226% !qazxsw2 1179 0.0226% tester 1179 0.0226% uucp 1175 0.0225% asdfg 1177 0.0225% michael 1170 0.0224% vagrant 1173 0.0224% 1qaz3edc 1172 0.0224% 1122 1169 0.0224% samsung 1165 0.0223% huawei 1168 0.0223% qazxsw 1159 0.0222% firewall 1153 0.0221% qwaszx 1150 0.0220% power 1147 0.0219% a1b2c3 1142 0.0219% nimda 1135 0.0217% ts 1127 0.0216% windows 1130 0.0216% 159357 1120 0.0214% 1111111 1113 0.0213% carlos 1111 0.0213% Password01 1104 0.0211% 147258 1104 0.0211% thomas 1103 0.0211% pi 1098 0.0210% root12 1097 0.0210% hello 1097 0.0210% 123456a 1096 0.0210% asdfasdf 1091 0.0209% angel 1087 0.0208% shadow 1085 0.0208% r00t 1088 0.0208% 123@abc 1089 0.0208% qwe 1081 0.0207% P@$$word 1080 0.0207% passw0rd123 1077 0.0206% welcome123 1074 0.0206% x 1076 0.0206% linux123 1071 0.0205% weblogic 1070 0.0205% computer 1069 0.0205% 1234abcd 1070 0.0205% gateway 1068 0.0204% david 1068 0.0204% a1s2d3f4 1061 0.0203% root1 1062 0.0203% motorola 1056 0.0202% 1212 1052 0.0201% svn 1048 0.0201% qwerty1 1048 0.0201% 123654789 1048 0.0201% rootme 1053 0.0201% 00000 1045 0.0200% deploy 1046 0.0200% dreambox 1044 0.0200% P@ssword123 1040 0.0199% !QAZ1qaz 1035 0.0198% p 1036 0.0198% a1b2c3d4e5 1036 0.0198% passwd123 1033 0.0198% 1qa2ws3ed 1027 0.0197% 1qaz 1032 0.0197% master123 1027 0.0197% 2wsx3edc 1030 0.0197% 1a2b3c4d 1023 0.0196% lalala 1020 0.0195% 12121212 1017 0.0195% andrew 1017 0.0195% 0123456789 1019 0.0195% caonima 1019 0.0195% a1234567 1012 0.0194% 147147 1013 0.0194% dev 1009 0.0193% 123456abc 1002 0.0192% 1a2s3d4f 1002 0.0192% 142536 998 0.0191% anthony 998 0.0191% q123456 999 0.0191% 123456qwerty 997 0.0191% xxxxxx 992 0.0190% 12345678910 991 0.0190% abcdef 990 0.0189% 123!@# 981 0.0188% football 983 0.0188% root12345 981 0.0188% asd12345 980 0.0188% qweqwe 984 0.0188% 789789 976 0.0187% 222222 976 0.0187% 963852741 971 0.0186% aa123123 974 0.0186% 123456q 974 0.0186% hello123 973 0.0186% vyatta 969 0.0185% Password12 968 0.0185% qwe@123 966 0.0185% love 961 0.0184% redhat123 961 0.0184% test@123 960 0.0184% jordan 956 0.0183% qazqaz 957 0.0183% baseball 959 0.0183% odoo 959 0.0183% admin001 954 0.0183% vmware 955 0.0183% monkey 954 0.0183% qwe123asd 958 0.0183% pa$$word 952 0.0182% 147852369 950 0.0182% nopass 953 0.0182% qwer 953 0.0182% rootadmin 951 0.0182% nobody 950 0.0182% 31415926 952 0.0182% a123456789 948 0.0181% test2 945 0.0181% martin 944 0.0181% 5201314 948 0.0181% Qwert12345 944 0.0181% office 941 0.0180% 1029384756 942 0.0180% Admin123! 934 0.0179% minecraft 928 0.0178% 123456789a 930 0.0178% p@55word 931 0.0178% pfsense 930 0.0178% patrick 931 0.0178% Q 923 0.0177% asdqwe123 925 0.0177% abc123! 923 0.0177% 123!@#qwe 918 0.0176% qwerty12 921 0.0176% zaq1@wsx 918 0.0176% welc0me 919 0.0176% asdasdasd 920 0.0176% 1234554321 917 0.0175% matrix 909 0.0174% access 909 0.0174% 4rfv$RFV 908 0.0174% zxc123 908 0.0174% p4ssword 909 0.0174% root01 906 0.0173% 225588 906 0.0173% poiuyt 897 0.0172% passpass 896 0.0171% qwerty1234 896 0.0171% 010203 893 0.0171% develop 895 0.0171% 123789 885 0.0169% p455w0rD 885 0.0169% 87654321 879 0.0168% 1234qwerasdf 877 0.0168% oracle1 876 0.0168% 789456 875 0.0167% temp 871 0.0167% adm 867 0.0166% 110110 866 0.0166% 456123 870 0.0166% web 866 0.0166% mike 869 0.0166% abc@123456 862 0.0165% 1qaz@wsx3edc 863 0.0165% root123!@# 862 0.0165% insecure 859 0.0164% qwerasdf 856 0.0164% Changeme_123 859 0.0164% john 850 0.0163% server123 852 0.0163% info 850 0.0163% george 850 0.0163% root00 847 0.0162% roberto 848 0.0162% developer 846 0.0162% sunshine 845 0.0162% teste 846 0.0162% hunter 849 0.0162% !QAZ2wsx#EDC 846 0.0162% r00t123 848 0.0162% 987654 846 0.0162% danny 844 0.0161% 0000000000 840 0.0161% princess 843 0.0161% adrian 843 0.0161% ab123456 841 0.0161% richard 834 0.0160% data 835 0.0160% austin 837 0.0160% 100200 835 0.0160% Temp123 832 0.0159% abcd@123 833 0.0159% 123@123 833 0.0159% anonymous 830 0.0159% orange 829 0.0159% winner 832 0.0159% asdf123 831 0.0159% michelle 833 0.0159% 333333 825 0.0158% a12345 826 0.0158% ferrari 828 0.0158% 555555 828 0.0158% albert 818 0.0157% 1qaz2wsx!@# 818 0.0157% qwer123 820 0.0157% admin01 823 0.0157% qazwsxedc123 819 0.0157% asteriskftp 816 0.0156% a123123 814 0.0156% america 817 0.0156% 147258369 814 0.0156% meiyoumima 813 0.0156% ansible 817 0.0156% 123qwer 815 0.0156% 7654321 809 0.0155% admin!@# 811 0.0155% goodluck 810 0.0155% aaron 804 0.0154% spider 806 0.0154% abc1234567 804 0.0154% loveyou 806 0.0154% qwert123 805 0.0154% admin888 807 0.0154% CactiEZ 805 0.0154% P@55w0rd! 799 0.0153% joshua 799 0.0153% chris 797 0.0153% 123123a 801 0.0153% client 798 0.0153% db2inst1 795 0.0152% synopass 793 0.0152% 1qazxsw23edc 792 0.0152% Passw0rd1 793 0.0152% sales 796 0.0152% phoenix 791 0.0151% jackson 789 0.0151% voyage 790 0.0151% test123456 790 0.0151% s 788 0.0151% 7777777 790 0.0151% alexandra 782 0.0150% jessica 783 0.0150% james 785 0.0150% abcdefg 785 0.0150% bot 777 0.0149% openelec 779 0.0149% bailey 777 0.0149% password!@# 780 0.0149% qwe12345 771 0.0148% genesis 773 0.0148% admin2 775 0.0148% 1qaz@WSX3edc$RFV 773 0.0148% KEVIN 772 0.0148% ftptest 768 0.0147% killer 765 0.0146% 123zxc 762 0.0146% adam 761 0.0146% 123mudar 761 0.0146% hardcore 762 0.0146% amanda 763 0.0146% pass@123 765 0.0146% games 757 0.0145% merlin 759 0.0145% masterkey 758 0.0145% dennis 757 0.0145% angel123 753 0.0144% Bismillah 750 0.0144% rebecca 751 0.0144% music 752 0.0144% ftpadmin 752 0.0144% vincent 754 0.0144% 0123456 750 0.0144% edward 748 0.0143% testpass 746 0.0143% jupiter 749 0.0143% admin123456789 747 0.0143% video 748 0.0143% tiger 746 0.0143% ! 740 0.0142% DOLPHIN 740 0.0142% RANGER 743 0.0142% lenovo 743 0.0142% digital 744 0.0142% ZAQ!2wsx 744 0.0142% sshd 735 0.0141% network 738 0.0141% mario 739 0.0141% 999999 736 0.0141% a12345678 737 0.0141% helloworld 735 0.0141% william 735 0.0141% crystal 734 0.0140% bob 732 0.0140% banana 731 0.0140% !@#123 733 0.0140% 7758521 732 0.0140% 4321 732 0.0140% oliver 731 0.0140% charlie 730 0.0140% pepper 727 0.0139% andrea 724 0.0139% suporte 725 0.0139% 789456123 724 0.0139% random 728 0.0139% jackie 727 0.0139% jesus 727 0.0139% 1QAZ2WSX3EDC4RFV 728 0.0139% 131313 722 0.0138% 456852 722 0.0138% diablo 721 0.0138% qaz123456 719 0.0138% y4yhl9t 722 0.0138% Abc123456789 722 0.0138% 4444 719 0.0138% qqq123 718 0.0137% ok 716 0.0137% blahblah 715 0.0137% 123000 717 0.0137% angelo 718 0.0137% 1qaz1qaz 717 0.0137% alberto 716 0.0137% steven 712 0.0136% 1234asdf 711 0.0136% @123456 709 0.0136% 21vianet 713 0.0136% avonline 710 0.0136% 77777777 709 0.0136% zxcv1234 710 0.0136% aaaaaaaa 709 0.0136% wubao 713 0.0136% 147852 707 0.0135% P@ssw0rd1234 706 0.0135% jason 708 0.0135% asterisk 704 0.0135% xxx 706 0.0135% J5cmmu=Kyf0-br8CsW 703 0.0135% 123457 701 0.0134% fluffy 701 0.0134% 1z2x3c4v 699 0.0134% prueba 702 0.0134% 1qaz2wsx#EDC 702 0.0134% admin@1234 700 0.0134% asdzxc 702 0.0134% 0987654321 695 0.0133% liverpool 693 0.0133% spark 695 0.0133% toto 696 0.0133% !QAZ@WSX#EDC 697 0.0133% s123456 695 0.0133% sandra 694 0.0133% welcome@123 693 0.0133% root2 696 0.0133% cookie 696 0.0133% victor 693 0.0133% qweasdzxc123 695 0.0133% 3edc#EDC 689 0.0132% 123456qwe 690 0.0132% silver 692 0.0132% zxcvbnm123 691 0.0132% hacker 692 0.0132% 1986 689 0.0132% 689 0.0132% qazxswedc 691 0.0132% config 689 0.0132% ashley 689 0.0132% nicole 691 0.0132% driver 686 0.0131% claudia 685 0.0131% monica 685 0.0131% raspberryraspberry993311 683 0.0131% casa 680 0.0130% anna 678 0.0130% abcd@1234 678 0.0130% !@#$qwerASDF 680 0.0130% 111222 682 0.0130% usuario 680 0.0130% 3.1415926 679 0.0130% M 678 0.0130% 456456 675 0.0129% fuck 672 0.0129% 12301230 675 0.0129% 444444 673 0.0129% admin_123 676 0.0129% contact 669 0.0128% doctor 671 0.0128% qq123123 669 0.0128% peanut 670 0.0128% danielle 670 0.0128% 012345 670 0.0128% mustang 669 0.0128% 101010 665 0.0127% maria 663 0.0127% tech 664 0.0127% adminpassword 666 0.0127% monster 666 0.0127% gituser 666 0.0127% idc123 665 0.0127% upload 663 0.0127% zxcasdqwe 663 0.0127% trinity 666 0.0127% happy 663 0.0127% 212121 664 0.0127% andy 657 0.0126% 753951 661 0.0126% 321321 657 0.0126% 123456789abc 658 0.0126% vision 659 0.0126% apples 657 0.0126% 9876543210 659 0.0126% 951753 660 0.0126% sparky 661 0.0126% squid 659 0.0126% alexis 660 0.0126% 660 0.0126% Huawei12#$ 654 0.0125% benjamin 651 0.0125% Passw0rd1234 652 0.0125% aaa123 653 0.0125% qqq111 654 0.0125% sebastian 651 0.0125% library 648 0.0124% nikita 648 0.0124% Password01! 647 0.0124% 123qwerty 648 0.0124% diamond 649 0.0124% unix 650 0.0124% murphy 646 0.0124% jennifer 648 0.0124% temporal 650 0.0124% password@1 649 0.0124% super123 647 0.0124% test12345 646 0.0124% Passw0rd! 647 0.0124% admin123# 647 0.0124% justin 642 0.0123% angela 643 0.0123% 123.qwe 644 0.0123% 5555 644 0.0123% snoopy 645 0.0123% 123456qq 642 0.0123% robert 644 0.0123% qazwsx12 645 0.0123% batman 644 0.0123% mark 641 0.0123% asshole 643 0.0123% junior 640 0.0122% abcdabcd 635 0.0122% root@1234 639 0.0122% arthur 637 0.0122% energy 638 0.0122% P@ssword1 637 0.0122% leonardo 640 0.0122% 0123 640 0.0122% lovelove 635 0.0122% cocacola 631 0.0121% 666 634 0.0121% cooper 633 0.0121% jira 634 0.0121% aa 630 0.0121% chicken 634 0.0121% brian 633 0.0121% rush2112 633 0.0121% manchester 631 0.0121% teste123 630 0.0121% tigger 633 0.0121% carmen 626 0.0120% admin1234567 628 0.0120% password2 629 0.0120% marina 629 0.0120% 909090 626 0.0120% qazxsw123 627 0.0120% 741852963 626 0.0120% qweqweqwe 625 0.0120% qwertyu 625 0.0120% senha123 625 0.0120% 123567 629 0.0120% 1123581321 626 0.0120% zxc 621 0.0119% abcd12345 622 0.0119% genius 620 0.0119% qqqqqq 622 0.0119% caonimabi 621 0.0119% hannah 624 0.0119% woaini 620 0.0119% samantha 622 0.0119% admins 620 0.0119% newroot 616 0.0118% sabrina 616 0.0118% zzzzzz 618 0.0118% zxcasdqwe123 615 0.0118% qawsedrf 617 0.0118% apple123 617 0.0118% danger 617 0.0118% 2wsx#EDC 618 0.0118% london 619 0.0118% nihao123 618 0.0118% asdasd123 616 0.0118% !@#$%^& 616 0.0118% 999999999 609 0.0117% mickey 610 0.0117% dnflskfk 614 0.0117% teresa 609 0.0117% chicago 614 0.0117% - 611 0.0117% asdfqwer 610 0.0117% wilson 609 0.0117% sarah 613 0.0117% 123465 614 0.0117% compaq 613 0.0117% fucker 611 0.0117% starwars 609 0.0117% tennis 610 0.0117% adminroot 612 0.0117% barbara 614 0.0117% security 612 0.0117% abcde12345 612 0.0117% jack 611 0.0117% manager123 611 0.0117% root_123 610 0.0117% teamspeak3 612 0.0117% nathan 604 0.0116% patricia 607 0.0116% police 605 0.0116% simple 605 0.0116% memory 607 0.0116% ubuntu123 608 0.0116% aaaaa 607 0.0116% school 605 0.0116% garfield 599 0.0115% sistemas 601 0.0115% charles 603 0.0115% zhang123 601 0.0115% anypass 600 0.0115% freedom 601 0.0115% abc123abc 601 0.0115% oracle@123 602 0.0115% christian 602 0.0115% brandon 602 0.0115% admin123$%^ 603 0.0115% lol 594 0.0114% asdfghj 595 0.0114% telnet 598 0.0114% 123456!@#$%^ 595 0.0114% asdfghjk 595 0.0114% elasticsearch 595 0.0114% hahaha 596 0.0114% Tiffany 598 0.0114% stones 598 0.0114% nicolas 597 0.0114% cheese 597 0.0114% iceman 594 0.0114% 654123 598 0.0114% harley 595 0.0114% jerry 593 0.0113% jeremy 591 0.0113% root001 589 0.0113% alexander 589 0.0113% explorer 589 0.0113% santiago 590 0.0113% com123 588 0.0113% qwer12345 588 0.0113% nirvana 589 0.0113% 1qay2wsx 589 0.0113% system32 591 0.0113% abc123@ 588 0.0113% matthew 588 0.0113% marlboro 592 0.0113% badboy 593 0.0113% 1111111111 588 0.0113% lauren 585 0.0112% 147369 586 0.0112% 1234%^&* 587 0.0112% support123 584 0.0112% guest123 583 0.0112% poiuytrewq 583 0.0112% as123456 586 0.0112% 7ujMko0admin 585 0.0112% server1 587 0.0112% supervisor 584 0.0112% mail 587 0.0112% 123.456 587 0.0112% 123qweqwe 581 0.0111% eclipse 578 0.0111% 232323 582 0.0111% johnny 580 0.0111% sophie 582 0.0111% 741852 578 0.0111% 010101 578 0.0111% brandy 580 0.0111% 22 580 0.0111% redhat@123 582 0.0111% loveme 581 0.0111% michel 573 0.0110% fuckoff 577 0.0110% connect 577 0.0110% 007007 576 0.0110% toyota 573 0.0110% rootrootroot 574 0.0110% helpdesk 574 0.0110% mnbvcxz 576 0.0110% 696969 577 0.0110% setup 577 0.0110% ZAQ!XSW@ 576 0.0110% 1qazse4 573 0.0110% november 576 0.0110% caonima123 574 0.0110% Jasper 570 0.0109% gandalf 568 0.0109% 123456a@ 569 0.0109% adidas 570 0.0109% 454545 571 0.0109% r 567 0.0108% 112358 566 0.0108% parola 567 0.0108% 123.321 567 0.0108% apollo 565 0.0108% alejandro 564 0.0108% login 562 0.0108% gabriel 565 0.0108% porsche 564 0.0108% 2020 566 0.0108% 12345678a 565 0.0108% 134679 567 0.0108% forever 562 0.0108% maggie 558 0.0107% git123 560 0.0107% mexico 561 0.0107% felix 557 0.0107% demo123 561 0.0107% TANDBERG 559 0.0107% postgres123 557 0.0107% money 559 0.0107% 123@123a 557 0.0107% aa123456789 560 0.0107% 000 558 0.0107% counter 560 0.0107% l3tm3in 561 0.0107% david123 559 0.0107% pass12345 558 0.0107% install 560 0.0107% pass@word1 561 0.0107% 2222 558 0.0107% 124578 552 0.0106% root123456789 554 0.0106% qaz12345 552 0.0106% qwe123123 556 0.0106% qaz 554 0.0106% master1 553 0.0106% p0o9i8u7 554 0.0106% purple 555 0.0106% 1z2x3c 555 0.0106% asd123123 553 0.0106% 123root 556 0.0106% 4dm1n 552 0.0106% walter 556 0.0106% !@#qweasd 549 0.0105% 369369 551 0.0105% abc@1234 548 0.0105% asdqwe 550 0.0105% start123 547 0.0105% null 550 0.0105% aaaa 551 0.0105% heaven 550 0.0105% admin12345678 547 0.0105% 159159 548 0.0105% 321123 551 0.0105% . 549 0.0105% joseph 551 0.0105% sa 549 0.0105% tomtom 550 0.0105% 1q1q1q 550 0.0105% @ 549 0.0105% lennon 541 0.0104% newyork 546 0.0104% please 545 0.0104% elephant 543 0.0104% whatever 545 0.0104% remote 546 0.0104% morgan 545 0.0104% manager1 546 0.0104% 1314520 546 0.0104% 1qaz#EDC 542 0.0104% 111qqq 542 0.0104% alcatel 545 0.0104% bobby 544 0.0104% nopassword 541 0.0104% catherine 544 0.0104% 2 546 0.0104% mercedes 544 0.0104% creative 542 0.0104% 1qaz@WSX#EDC 546 0.0104% turtle 543 0.0104% victoria 542 0.0104% www-data 541 0.0104% PASS1 537 0.0103% nothing 540 0.0103% abc123123 537 0.0103% miguel 538 0.0103% hockey 539 0.0103% dolphin1 537 0.0103% winter 537 0.0103% chester 536 0.0103% informix 539 0.0103% 01234567 539 0.0103% anderson 531 0.0102% password0 535 0.0102% galaxy 533 0.0102% jessie 532 0.0102% 1a2b3c4d5e 534 0.0102% bluetooth 531 0.0102% butter 531 0.0102% redmine 532 0.0102% iDirect 532 0.0102% buster 535 0.0102% summer 535 0.0102% netgear1 535 0.0102% media 527 0.0101% 123456789qq 526 0.0101% Qq123456789 526 0.0101% z 528 0.0101% zhang 530 0.0101% changeme@123 527 0.0101% os10+ZTE 526 0.0101% love123 528 0.0101% maverick 526 0.0101% veronica 528 0.0101% tom 526 0.0101% olivia 526 0.0101% lucky 523 0.0100% online 524 0.0100% nicholas 523 0.0100% swordfish 525 0.0100% einstein 521 0.0100% router 522 0.0100% 111111111 523 0.0100% 0p9o8i7u 521 0.0100% @#$%^& 523 0.0100% stack 521 0.0100% toor123 522 0.0100% boss 521 0.0100% woaini1314 522 0.0100% qwer123456 521 0.0100% flower 522 0.0100% metallica 525 0.0100% 110120 524 0.0100% cristina 517 0.0099% 8812345 516 0.0099% b 520 0.0099% red123 517 0.0099% 777777 520 0.0099% jonathan 517 0.0099% okokok 520 0.0099% 123456!@# 518 0.0099% presto 510 0.0098% rich 513 0.0098% alex123 510 0.0098% joebob